NEW! CONTRABIM 5D Estimating Suite (2021)

Happy New Year 2021!

I'm excited to announce that some big changes are coming to the CONTRABIM 5D Tools, that I believe will make it more attainable than ever to achieve full on model based estimating.

C5D is now a Suite of Tools for Archicad and Excel! In 2021, we have 4 planned product releases, that are targeted at specific phases of design and construction.

The first release is available now. SYSTEMS 

We've Listened...

Why a C5D Suite you may ask?

Well, we've listened to our users feedback over the past year and decided that a single estimating tool to serve everyone, is not possible or practical.

Different users and roles have varying needs. Some users want a simpler, faster easier tool to use, while others want more granular detail that goes beyond estimating into project management.

In order to better serve our clients, we've decided to craft tools for these different users, that serve specific purposes at the right time in a project lifecycle.

What is in the new C5D SUITE?

From early conceptual modeling and feasibility studies, into design, bidding and construction, the C5D Suite follows a project from start to finish.

What is great about the suite, is that a single Archicad project file can supply the content to drive each different tool! The Excel templates are unique and very different, but the Archicad setup, properties, and classifications are all built on the same standard.

This allows model elements to be used for multiple purposes, whether supplying one toolkit or another, BIM elements get re-used across various phases of a project.

CRE - Commercial Real Estate Development (Coming Spring 2021)

We've been conceptualizing a new type of Archicad Template for Real Estate Development for quite some time now.

I'm excited to say that this product is well underway in development.

The Commercial Real Estate (CRE) toolkit will help Archicad users model area zones that produce detailed analysis of a project for entitlement calculations, as well as suppling financial models with the key revenue producing inputs.

This CRE tool will begin with a basic "New Development" financial model, that includes a 10 year projection, lease-up periods, financing, and cash flow analysis. There's an opportunity here to create several different financial models for new development, acquisitions, and multi-use real estate projects.

More details on CRE coming soon!

SYSTEMS (Released on January 5th, 2021 including Launch Special!)

Our first release of 2021 is the brand new C5D SYSTEMS Toolkit!

This is the product that we feel fits the right level of detail for 75-80% of Archicad Users! This is the solution that most users have been asking for!

Key Features of SYSTEMS

SYSTEMS is built on a new foundation of streamlined properties and classifications, making it easier than ever to apply to your project or template.

Reporting by Building Systems

One of the major changes from the previous build of C5D, is the restructured Report Format, using ASTM Uniformat II organization.

This format is made up of 22 reports, making it faster and easier than ever to generate model based takeoffs and cost reports.

Integrated Cost Calculations

A new feature in the C5D SYSTEMS workflow, is the inclusion of integrated cost calculations within Archicad.

New "Expression" based properties utilizing smart takeoffs and variable unit costs, make internal cost calculations possible.

Now, at any point in your model effort, you can stop and check to see the overall cost impact of a building system.

New Excel Estimate Template

The new SYSTEMS estimate template makes it easier than ever to balance "Manual Target" estimating with "Model Based" estimating sources.

Before ever starting a building information model, you can use this template to create fully detailed estimates with manual plugged takeoffs and unit cost.

Once you have a model takeoff, update your assumptions or switch out your cost source as desired!

International Classifications

The new SYSTEMS workflow makes it easy to add International Classifications, through the Archicad Classification Manager.

Now it's possible to tag model elements with multiple classification systems, and output those ID's to link up into any formatted summary report.

Integrated Training Program

SYSTEMS Training makes the most of your time, by compressing tutorial videos and making the adoption process easier than ever.

It's now possible to complete the entire training workflow within a day. 

Training Parts & Approximate Time Requirements

  • Part 1 - Introduction (20 Minutes)
  • Part 2 - Downloads (5 Minutes)
  • Part 3 - Fundamentals (1 Hour 20 Minutes)
  • Part 4 - Archicad Setup (25 Minutes)
  • Part 5 - Excel Setup (30 Minutes)
  • Part 6 - Cost Loading (2 Hours)
  • Part 7 - Customization (2 Hours)

Learn More About SYSTEMS

TRADES (Coming March 2021)

The C5D TRADES Toolkit is a new and improved release coming in February, that takes the previous build of C5D 2020 and provides a major overhaul!

This package goes into more granular detail, breaking down cost reports into CSI Material Based Takeoffs.

This solution is perfect for breaking out scopes of work into logical construction bidding packages, as it aligns closely with potential bidders.

Reporting by Building Materials & Trades

The power behind the TRADES reporting workflow is the ability to extract building material components from composite structures and complex profiles. This enables us to list components by their "TRADE of Construction", organized into CSI Masterformat.

New Features Coming with TRADES

This version of C5D TRADES is receiving an overhaul to the Excel Estimate Template, making it easier to use and much more flexible for adding manual takeoff values and cost plugs.

A redesign of the TRADES Sheets allows for the greater flexibility, and easier summation into CSI Summaries, Uniformat Summaries, and other International Classifications.

Another new feature is added functionality in Excel for managing or organizing Bidding Content, while also preparing costs for tracking in the field.

TRACK (Coming Late 2021)

This is a brand new product that is a continuation from TRADES. Once an Estimate and Bidders have been signed up, TRACK is a tool to plan monthly costs and track percentage complete using model based reports from Archicad, or manual overrides in Excel.

This tool is in the early development stages are more information will be coming soon!



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