Placed Visual Favorites for Eyedropping and Cost Modeling (ARC5D)

Whenever people ask how to start shaping up their ARCHICAD model in preparation for cost estimating, I always recommend the same starting point.


Placed Visual Favorites


At CONTRABIM, we call this file type the "Virtual Library"

At MasterTemplate, it's the "Legends".

Both are setup very similarly, into groupings of model elements, having been "placed" into the model. Purpose is the same, to test and fine tune either graphical or information properties and parameters before use.

In the ARC5D Collaborative template, we're utilizing AMT Legends, preloaded for Cost Estimating with CONTRABIM Properties and Reports.

In this video, we'll introduce some key concepts behind this approach, and hopefully you can get some ideas for how to setup your own!




For more info on the ARC5D template, check out the details page here


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